100 Most Common Words in Russian

100 Most Common Words in Russian

Discover the top 100 most common Russian words with Transliterations and English Translations. Enhance your language learning journey with this comprehensive list of frequently used Russian words, including essential vocabulary like pronouns, prepositions, nouns, verbs, and more. Perfect for beginners and those looking to expand their Russian language skills, this resource will help you build a solid foundation in Russian communication.

  1. и (i) - and
  2. в (v) - in, at
  3. не (ne) - not
  4. он (on) - he
  5. на (na) - on, at
  6. я (ya) - I
  7. что (shto) - what, that
  8. ты (ty) - you (informal)
  9. с (s) - with, from
  10. мы (my) - we
  11. как (kak) - how, as
  12. вы (vy) - you (formal or plural)
  13. они (oni) - they
  14. этот (etot) - this
  15. к (k) - to
  16. у (u) - at, by
  17. от (ot) - from, by
  18. все (vse) - all, everyone
  19. она (ona) - she
  20. так (tak) - so, thus
  21. его (ego) - his, it's
  22. но (no) - but
  23. да (da) - yes
  24. то (to) - that
  25. было (bylo) - was
  26. по (po) - by, on
  27. только (tol'ko) - only
  28. ее (ee) - her
  29. мне (mne) - to me
  30. был (byl) - was
  31. вот (vot) - here is, here are
  32. нет (net) - no
  33. уже (uzhe) - already
  34. или (ili) - or
  35. быть (byt') - to be
  36. бы (by) - would
  37. когда (kogda) - when
  38. если (esli) - if
  39. есть (est') - there is, to have
  40. свой (svoi) - one's own
  41. до (do) - until, to
  42. надо (nado) - need, must
  43. ну (nu) - well
  44. хоть (khot') - though, at least
  45. при (pri) - at, by
  46. такой (takoi) - such
  47. мой (moi) - my
  48. очень (ochen') - very
  49. где (gde) - where
  50. даже (dazhe) - even
  51. сам (sam) - myself, self
  52. ничего (nichego) - nothing
  53. потом (potom) - then, later
  54. более (bolee) - more
  55. ведь (ved') - after all, you know
  56. там (tam) - there
  57. чем (chem) - than, what
  58. себя (sebya) - oneself, myself
  59. может (mozhet) - can, may
  60. раз (raz) - time, once
  61. теперь (teper') - now
  62. себе (sebe) - to oneself, to myself
  63. под (pod) - under, below
  64. будет (budet) - will be
  65. тогда (togda) - then
  66. кто (kto) - who
  67. этого (etogo) - this
  68. потому (potomu) - because
  69. того (togo) - that
  70. куда (kuda) - where
  71. за (za) - behind, for
  72. об (ob) - about, around
  73. всего (vsego) - most, all
  74. него (nego) - him, it
  75. сказал (skazal) - said
  76. были (byli) - were
  77. про (pro) - about
  78. что-то (shto-to) - something
  79. тут (tut) - here
  80. получается (poluchayetsya) - turns out
  81. много (mnogo) - many, much
  82. чего (chego) - what, why
  83. хорошо (khorosho) - good, well
  84. свою (svoyu) - his own, her own
  85. этой (etoy) - this
  86. перед (pered) - before, in front of
  87. иногда (inogda) - sometimes
  88. лучше (luchshe) - better
  89. чуть (chut') - a little
  90. том (tom) - that
  91. нельзя (nel'zya) - cannot, may not
  92. такое (takoe) - such a thing
  93. знать (znat') - to know
  94. большой (bol'shoi) - big, large
  95. дело (delo) - thing, matter, case
  96. время (vremya) - time
  97. люди (lyudi) - people
  98. день (den') - day
  99. делать (delat') - to do, to make
  100. говорить (govorit') - to speak, to talk

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