Immerse yourself in the richness of Malay language with our meticulously compiled list of Top 100 Most Common Malay Words with English Translations. This invaluable resource helps language enthusiasts unlock the essence of everyday conversations in Malay, enhancing their comprehension and interaction skills.
- saya - I
- anda - you
- dia - he/she
- kami - we
- mereka - they
- ini - this
- itu - that
- di - at
- untuk - for
- dengan - with
- dalam - in
- dari - from
- ke - to
- ada - have
- dan - and
- adalah - is
- akan - will
- tidak - not
- apa - what
- yang - which
- bagaimana - how
- jika - if
- atau - or
- tetapi - but
- kerana - because
- seperti - like
- sementara - while
- setelah - after
- sebelum - before
- selama - during
- semua - all
- banyak - many
- beberapa - some
- sikit - few
- lain - other
- satu - one
- dua - two
- tiga - three
- empat - four
- lima - five
- besar - big
- panjang - long
- lebar - wide
- tebal - thick
- berat - heavy
- kecil - small
- pendek - short
- sempit - narrow
- tipis - thin
- wanita - woman
- lelaki - man
- orang - person
- kanak-kanak - child
- isteri - wife
- suami - husband
- ibu - mother
- bapa - father
- haiwan - animal
- ikan - fish
- burung - bird
- anjing - dog
- kucing - cat
- tikus - mouse
- sapi - cow
- pokok - tree
- hutan - forest
- batang - stick
- buah - fruit
- biji - seed
- daun - leaf
- akar - root
- bunga - flower
- rumput - grass
- tali - rope
- kulit - skin
- daging - meat
- darah - blood
- tulang - bone
- lemak - fat
- telur - egg
- tanduk - horn
- ekor - tail
- bulu - feather
- rambut - hair
- kepala - head
- telinga - ear
- mata - eye
- hidung - nose
- mulut - mouth
- gigi - tooth
- lidah - tongue
- kuku - fingernail
- kaki - foot
- lutut - knee
- tangan - hand
- sayap - wing
- perut - stomach
- usus - intestines
- leher - neck
- punggung - back