100 Most Common Words in Malay

100 Most Common Words in Malay

Immerse yourself in the richness of Malay language with our meticulously compiled list of Top 100 Most Common Malay Words with English Translations. This invaluable resource helps language enthusiasts unlock the essence of everyday conversations in Malay, enhancing their comprehension and interaction skills.

  1. saya - I
  2. anda - you
  3. dia - he/she
  4. kami - we
  5. mereka - they
  6. ini - this
  7. itu - that
  8. di - at
  9. untuk - for
  10. dengan - with
  11. dalam - in
  12. dari - from
  13. ke - to
  14. ada - have
  15. dan - and
  16. adalah - is
  17. akan - will
  18. tidak - not
  19. apa - what
  20. yang - which
  21. bagaimana - how
  22. jika - if
  23. atau - or
  24. tetapi - but
  25. kerana - because
  26. seperti - like
  27. sementara - while
  28. setelah - after
  29. sebelum - before
  30. selama - during
  31. semua - all
  32. banyak - many
  33. beberapa - some
  34. sikit - few
  35. lain - other
  36. satu - one
  37. dua - two
  38. tiga - three
  39. empat - four
  40. lima - five
  41. besar - big
  42. panjang - long
  43. lebar - wide
  44. tebal - thick
  45. berat - heavy
  46. kecil - small
  47. pendek - short
  48. sempit - narrow
  49. tipis - thin
  50. wanita - woman
  51. lelaki - man
  52. orang - person
  53. kanak-kanak - child
  54. isteri - wife
  55. suami - husband
  56. ibu - mother
  57. bapa - father
  58. haiwan - animal
  59. ikan - fish
  60. burung - bird
  61. anjing - dog
  62. kucing - cat
  63. tikus - mouse
  64. sapi - cow
  65. pokok - tree
  66. hutan - forest
  67. batang - stick
  68. buah - fruit
  69. biji - seed
  70. daun - leaf
  71. akar - root
  72. bunga - flower
  73. rumput - grass
  74. tali - rope
  75. kulit - skin
  76. daging - meat
  77. darah - blood
  78. tulang - bone
  79. lemak - fat
  80. telur - egg
  81. tanduk - horn
  82. ekor - tail
  83. bulu - feather
  84. rambut - hair
  85. kepala - head
  86. telinga - ear
  87. mata - eye
  88. hidung - nose
  89. mulut - mouth
  90. gigi - tooth
  91. lidah - tongue
  92. kuku - fingernail
  93. kaki - foot
  94. lutut - knee
  95. tangan - hand
  96. sayap - wing
  97. perut - stomach
  98. usus - intestines
  99. leher - neck
  100. punggung - back

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