100 Most Common Words in Italian

100 Most Common Words in Italian

It is the top 100 most frequently used Italian words with their English equivalents. From "il" (the) to "finire" (to finish), this list includes essential vocabulary for any beginner Italian learner. Whether you're planning a trip to Italy or simply looking to expand your language skills, these words will come in handy. Start learning the most common Italian words today and improve your language skills!

  1. il - the
  2. e - and
  3. di - of, from
  4. a - to, at
  5. in - in
  6. che - that, which
  7. per - for
  8. un - a, an
  9. sono - I am
  10. non - not
  11. con - with
  12. si - yes, oneself
  13. la - the (feminine)
  14. ho - I have
  15. mi - me
  16. ha - he/she/it has
  17. le - the (feminine plural)
  18. sei - you are
  19. tu - you
  20. lui - he
  21. è - is
  22. gli - the (masculine plural)
  23. noi - we
  24. loro - they
  25. da - from, by
  26. come - how, like, as
  27. ma - but
  28. questo - this
  29. lo - it, the (masculine)
  30. ti - you (singular)
  31. io - I
  32. ci - us, we
  33. su - on
  34. al - to the
  35. tuo - your
  36. molto - very
  37. più - more
  38. fare - to do
  39. lei - she
  40. cosa - thing, what
  41. tutti - all
  42. quando - when
  43. era - was
  44. ancora - still, yet, again
  45. nei - in the
  46. suoi - his, her, its, their
  47. mia - my (feminine)
  48. tra - among, between
  49. voi - you (plural)
  50. delle - of the (feminine plural)
  51. solo - only, alone
  52. stare - to stay, to be
  53. ora - now
  54. mia - mine (feminine)
  55. sotto - under
  56. questi - these
  57. anche - also
  58. sempre - always
  59. nostra - our (feminine)
  60. perché - why, because
  61. così - so, thus
  62. vita - life
  63. poi - then
  64. altro - other
  65. dove - where
  66. casa - house
  67. dopo - after
  68. giorno - day
  69. momento - moment
  70. fuori - outside
  71. nulla - nothing
  72. aveva - he/she/it had
  73. posso - I can
  74. o - or
  75. volta - time, turn
  76. vuole - he/she/it wants
  77. andare - to go
  78. sapere - to know
  79. tuo - yours
  80. dire - to say
  81. fino - until
  82. anni - years
  83. vedere - to see
  84. c'è - there is
  85. via - away, road
  86. pensare - to think
  87. stesso - same
  88. tempo - time
  89. uomo - man
  90. sembra - it seems
  91. tutti - everyone
  92. trova - finds
  93. ai - to the (masculine plural)
  94. già - already
  95. mente - mind
  96. essere - to be
  97. avere - to have
  98. usare - to use
  99. venire - to come
  100. conoscere - to know

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