100 Most Common Verbs in Italian

100 Most Common Verbs in Italian

Look no further than this list of the top 100 Italian verbs with their English translations. From "essere" (to be) to "vendere" (to sell), these verbs will give you a solid foundation for understanding and speaking Italian. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, these common verbs will help you improve your Italian language skills.

  1. essere - to be
  2. avere - to have
  3. fare - to do, make
  4. dire - to say
  5. vedere - to see
  6. potere - to be able to, can
  7. venire - to come
  8. dovere - to have to, must
  9. andare - to go
  10. prendere - to take
  11. sapere - to know
  12. dare - to give
  13. volere - to want
  14. stare - to stay, to be
  15. parlare - to speak
  16. vivere - to live
  17. trovare - to find
  18. sentire - to feel, to hear
  19. guardare - to watch, to look at
  20. lasciare - to leave
  21. pensare - to think
  22. mangiare - to eat
  23. sembrare - to seem
  24. capire - to understand
  25. arrivare - to arrive
  26. mettere - to put
  27. uscire - to go out
  28. conoscere - to know
  29. leggere - to read
  30. cominciare - to begin
  31. ricordare - to remember
  32. scrivere - to write
  33. passare - to pass
  34. finire - to finish
  35. aspettare - to wait
  36. aprire - to open
  37. dormire - to sleep
  38. chiedere - to ask
  39. giocare - to play
  40. piacere - to like
  41. rispondere - to answer
  42. correre - to run
  43. lavorare - to work
  44. morire - to die
  45. studiare - to study
  46. tornare - to return
  47. portare - to bring
  48. cadere - to fall
  49. credere - to believe
  50. camminare - to walk
  51. entrare - to enter
  52. ascoltare - to listen
  53. perdere - to lose
  54. pagare - to pay
  55. mostrare - to show
  56. cantare - to sing
  57. bere - to drink
  58. raccontare - to tell
  59. ballare - to dance
  60. decidere - to decide
  61. vincere - to win
  62. iniziare - to start
  63. comprare - to buy
  64. provare - to try
  65. chiudere - to close
  66. cambiare - to change
  67. insegnare - to teach
  68. imparare - to learn
  69. viaggiare - to travel
  70. salire - to climb, to go up
  71. vendere - to sell
  72. dimenticare - to forget
  73. guidare - to drive
  74. fermare - to stop
  75. promettere - to promise
  76. ridere - to laugh
  77. accendere - to light, to turn on
  78. suonare - to play (an instrument), to sound
  79. cucinare - to cook
  80. amare - to love
  81. lavare - to wash
  82. tirare - to pull
  83. scoprire - to discover
  84. piangere - to cry
  85. volare - to fly
  86. cercare - to search
  87. nascere - to be born
  88. invitare - to invite
  89. odiare - to hate
  90. svegliare - to wake up
  91. vestire - to dress
  92. scegliere - to choose
  93. spiegare - to explain
  94. dimostrare - to demonstrate
  95. visitare - to visit
  96. preparare - to prepare
  97. disegnare - to draw
  98. dipingere - to paint
  99. evitare - to avoid
  100. ridurre - to reduce

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