Look no further than this list of the top 100 Italian verbs with their English translations. From "essere" (to be) to "vendere" (to sell), these verbs will give you a solid foundation for understanding and speaking Italian. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, these common verbs will help you improve your Italian language skills.
- essere - to be
- avere - to have
- fare - to do, make
- dire - to say
- vedere - to see
- potere - to be able to, can
- venire - to come
- dovere - to have to, must
- andare - to go
- prendere - to take
- sapere - to know
- dare - to give
- volere - to want
- stare - to stay, to be
- parlare - to speak
- vivere - to live
- trovare - to find
- sentire - to feel, to hear
- guardare - to watch, to look at
- lasciare - to leave
- pensare - to think
- mangiare - to eat
- sembrare - to seem
- capire - to understand
- arrivare - to arrive
- mettere - to put
- uscire - to go out
- conoscere - to know
- leggere - to read
- cominciare - to begin
- ricordare - to remember
- scrivere - to write
- passare - to pass
- finire - to finish
- aspettare - to wait
- aprire - to open
- dormire - to sleep
- chiedere - to ask
- giocare - to play
- piacere - to like
- rispondere - to answer
- correre - to run
- lavorare - to work
- morire - to die
- studiare - to study
- tornare - to return
- portare - to bring
- cadere - to fall
- credere - to believe
- camminare - to walk
- entrare - to enter
- ascoltare - to listen
- perdere - to lose
- pagare - to pay
- mostrare - to show
- cantare - to sing
- bere - to drink
- raccontare - to tell
- ballare - to dance
- decidere - to decide
- vincere - to win
- iniziare - to start
- comprare - to buy
- provare - to try
- chiudere - to close
- cambiare - to change
- insegnare - to teach
- imparare - to learn
- viaggiare - to travel
- salire - to climb, to go up
- vendere - to sell
- dimenticare - to forget
- guidare - to drive
- fermare - to stop
- promettere - to promise
- ridere - to laugh
- accendere - to light, to turn on
- suonare - to play (an instrument), to sound
- cucinare - to cook
- amare - to love
- lavare - to wash
- tirare - to pull
- scoprire - to discover
- piangere - to cry
- volare - to fly
- cercare - to search
- nascere - to be born
- invitare - to invite
- odiare - to hate
- svegliare - to wake up
- vestire - to dress
- scegliere - to choose
- spiegare - to explain
- dimostrare - to demonstrate
- visitare - to visit
- preparare - to prepare
- disegnare - to draw
- dipingere - to paint
- evitare - to avoid
- ridurre - to reduce