100 Most Common Verbs in Chinese (Traditional)

100 Most Common Verbs in Chinese (Traditional)

Experience the lively dynamics of Chinese dialogue with our list of Top 100 Most Common Chinese (Traditional) Verbs with Transliterations and English Translations. By mastering these action words, you can effectively express a wide range of actions, states, and experiences, adding depth to your interactions in traditional Chinese.

  1. 是 (shì) - to be
  2. 有 (yǒu) - to have
  3. 說 (shuō) - to say
  4. 去 (qù) - to go
  5. 看 (kàn) - to see
  6. 吃 (chī) - to eat
  7. 做 (zuò) - to do
  8. 想 (xiǎng) - to think
  9. 知道 (zhīdào) - to know
  10. 喜歡 (xǐhuān) - to like
  11. 來 (lái) - to come
  12. 給 (gěi) - to give
  13. 看見 (kànjiàn) - to see
  14. 買 (mǎi) - to buy
  15. 讀 (dú) - to read
  16. 寫 (xiě) - to write
  17. 帶 (dài) - to bring
  18. 走 (zǒu) - to walk
  19. 聽 (tīng) - to listen
  20. 喝 (hē) - to drink
  21. 學 (xué) - to learn
  22. 跑 (pǎo) - to run
  23. 講 (jiǎng) - to speak
  24. 笑 (xiào) - to laugh
  25. 唱 (chàng) - to sing
  26. 玩 (wán) - to play
  27. 工作 (gōngzuò) - to work
  28. 找 (zhǎo) - to find
  29. 哭 (kū) - to cry
  30. 睡覺 (shuìjiào) - to sleep
  31. 開 (kāi) - to open
  32. 等 (děng) - to wait
  33. 穿 (chuān) - to wear
  34. 愛 (ài) - to love
  35. 坐 (zuò) - to sit
  36. 幫助 (bāngzhù) - to help
  37. 請 (qǐng) - to invite
  38. 飛 (fēi) - to fly
  39. 站 (zhàn) - to stand
  40. 呼吸 (hūxī) - to breathe
  41. 存在 (cúnzài) - to exist
  42. 認為 (rènwéi) - to think
  43. 游泳 (yóuyǒng) - to swim
  44. 停止 (tíngzhǐ) - to stop
  45. 忘記 (wàngjì) - to forget
  46. 教 (jiāo) - to teach
  47. 看書 (kàn shū) - to read
  48. 繼續 (jìxù) - to continue
  49. 吵架 (chǎojià) - to argue
  50. 照顧 (zhàogù) - to take care of
  51. 決定 (juédìng) - to decide
  52. 感覺 (gǎnjué) - to feel
  53. 回家 (huí jiā) - to go home
  54. 祈禱 (qídǎo) - to pray
  55. 進入 (jìnrù) - to enter
  56. 選擇 (xuǎnzé) - to choose
  57. 比賽 (bǐsài) - to compete
  58. 破壞 (pòhuài) - to destroy
  59. 安慰 (ānwèi) - to comfort
  60. 繞 (rào) - to bypass
  61. 參加 (cānjiā) - to participate
  62. 烹飪 (pēngrèn) - to cook
  63. 抓住 (zhuāzhù) - to catch
  64. 邀請 (yāoqǐng) - to invite
  65. 建造 (jiànzào) - to build
  66. 驚訝 (jīngyà) - to surprise
  67. 閉上 (bì shang) - to close
  68. 聞 (wén) - to smell
  69. 理解 (lǐjiě) - to understand
  70. 受傷 (shòushāng) - to get hurt
  71. 記住 (jì zhù) - to remember
  72. 尊重 (zūnzhòng) - to respect
  73. 感謝 (gǎnxiè) - to thank
  74. 喚醒 (huànxǐng) - to wake up
  75. 準備 (zhǔnbèi) - to prepare
  76. 驅動 (qūdòng) - to drive
  77. 嘲笑 (cháoxiào) - to mock
  78. 練習 (liànxí) - to practice
  79. 清理 (qīnglǐ) - to clean
  80. 放棄 (fàngqì) - to give up
  81. 承認 (chéng rèn) - to admit
  82. 跳舞 (tiàowǔ) - to dance
  83. 保護 (bǎohù) - to protect
  84. 投票 (tóupiào) - to vote
  85. 評估 (pínggū) - to assess
  86. 改變 (gǎibiàn) - to change
  87. 證明 (zhèngmíng) - to prove
  88. 擁有 (yōngyǒu) - to own
  89. 反對 (fǎnduì) - to oppose
  90. 休息 (xiūxí) - to rest
  91. 理髮 (lǐfǎ) - to get a haircut
  92. 貢獻 (gòngxiàn) - to contribute
  93. 懲罰 (chéngfá) - to punish
  94. 推薦 (tuījiàn) - to recommend
  95. 分享 (fēnxiǎng) - to share
  96. 投資 (tóuzī) - to invest
  97. 探索 (tànsuǒ) - to explore
  98. 刪除 (shānchú) - to delete
  99. 擁抱 (yōngbào) - to hug
  100. 評論 (pínglùn) - to comment

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