Experience the expressive dynamics of Arabic language through our list of Top 100 Most Common Arabic Verbs with Transliterations and English Translations. These essential verbs will empower you to communicate a multitude of actions, states, and occurrences, enhancing your interaction in Arabic.
- يكون (yakoon) - to be
- يعمل (ya'mal) - to work
- يأكل (ya'kol) - to eat
- يشرب (yashrab) - to drink
- يذهب (yadhhab) - to go
- يرى (yara) - to see
- يسمع (yasme') - to hear
- يقرأ (yaqra') - to read
- يكتب (yaktub) - to write
- يتكلم (yatakallam) - to speak
- يعيش (ya'eesh) - to live
- يموت (yamoot) - to die
- يضحك (yadhak) - to laugh
- يبكي (yabki) - to cry
- يلعب (yala'b) - to play
- ينام (yanam) - to sleep
- يستيقظ (yastaiqiz) - to wake up
- يجلس (yajlis) - to sit
- يقف (yaqif) - to stand
- يدرس (yadrus) - to study
- يعلم (ya'lam) - to teach/ know
- يتعلم (yata'allam) - to learn
- يفهم (yafham) - to understand
- يشتري (yashtari) - to buy
- يبيع (yabe') - to sell
- يمشي (yamshi) - to walk
- يركض (yarkud) - to run
- يغني (yaghani) - to sing
- يقول (yaqool) - to say
- يصرخ (yasrikh) - to shout
- يضرب (yadrib) - to hit
- يحب (yahib) - to love
- يكره (yakrah) - to hate
- يخاف (yakhaaf) - to fear
- يريد (yureed) - to want
- يحتاج (yahtaj) - to need
- يصلي (yusalli) - to pray
- يطبخ (yutbikh) - to cook
- يقود (yaqud) - to drive
- يعود (ya'ud) - to return
- يبدأ (yabda') - to begin
- ينتهي (yantahi) - to end
- يحضر (yahdur) - to attend
- يغادر (yughadir) - to leave
- يقتل (yaqtul) - to kill
- يولد (yulid) - to be born
- يشتكي (yashtaki) - to complain
- يحل (yahall) - to solve
- يقبل (yaqbil) - to accept
- يرفض (yarfud) - to refuse
- يحتفل (yahtafil) - to celebrate
- يعتذر (ya'tadhir) - to apologize
- يقدم (yaqdim) - to offer
- يزور (yazoor) - to visit
- يسافر (yusaafir) - to travel
- يترجم (yatarjam) - to translate
- يتحدث (yatahadath) - to talk
- يتفق (yatafiq) - to agree
- يختلف (yakhtalif) - to differ
- يشتم (yashtim) - to insult
- يحترم (yahtarim) - to respect
- يحلم (yahlum) - to dream
- يفتح (yaftah) - to open
- يغلق (yaghliq) - to close
- يكسب (yaksib) - to win
- يخسر (yakhsar) - to lose
- يبتسم (yabtasim) - to smile
- يفكر (yufakkir) - to think
- يقوم (yaqum) - to do
- يدعو (yad'u) - to invite
- يستمتع (yastamti') - to enjoy
- يسأل (yusa'al) - to ask
- يجيب (yajib) - to answer
- يخبر (yukhbir) - to inform
- يرتدي (yartadi) - to wear
- يغسل (yaghsil) - to wash
- يعشق (ya'shaq) - to adore
- يكافح (yukaafih) - to struggle
- يستعد (yasta'idd) - to prepare
- يحمل (yahmil) - to carry
- يتذكر (yatadhakkar) - to remember
- ينسى (yansa) - to forget
- يختبر (yakhtabr) - to test
- يرحب (yarhab) - to welcome
- يرسم (yarsim) - to draw
- يهدي (yahdi) - to guide
- يتابع (yatabi') - to follow
- يختار (yakhtar) - to choose
- يهرب (yahrub) - to escape
- يتجنب (yatjanab) - to avoid
- يتفاجأ (yatfaja') - to be surprised
- يتنازل (yatanazal) - to give up
- ينضم (yandhim) - to join
- يبحث (yabhat) - to search
- ينظف (yandhif) - to clean
- يتوقف (yatwaqaf) - to stop
- يحقق (yahqiq) - to achieve
- يستسلم (yastaslim) - to surrender
- يحاول (yahaawil) - to try
- يطرق (yataraq) - to knock