100 Most Common Verbs in Arabic

100 Most Common Verbs in Arabic

Experience the expressive dynamics of Arabic language through our list of Top 100 Most Common Arabic Verbs with Transliterations and English Translations. These essential verbs will empower you to communicate a multitude of actions, states, and occurrences, enhancing your interaction in Arabic.

  1. يكون (yakoon) - to be
  2. يعمل (ya'mal) - to work
  3. يأكل (ya'kol) - to eat
  4. يشرب (yashrab) - to drink
  5. يذهب (yadhhab) - to go
  6. يرى (yara) - to see
  7. يسمع (yasme') - to hear
  8. يقرأ (yaqra') - to read
  9. يكتب (yaktub) - to write
  10. يتكلم (yatakallam) - to speak
  11. يعيش (ya'eesh) - to live
  12. يموت (yamoot) - to die
  13. يضحك (yadhak) - to laugh
  14. يبكي (yabki) - to cry
  15. يلعب (yala'b) - to play
  16. ينام (yanam) - to sleep
  17. يستيقظ (yastaiqiz) - to wake up
  18. يجلس (yajlis) - to sit
  19. يقف (yaqif) - to stand
  20. يدرس (yadrus) - to study
  21. يعلم (ya'lam) - to teach/ know
  22. يتعلم (yata'allam) - to learn
  23. يفهم (yafham) - to understand
  24. يشتري (yashtari) - to buy
  25. يبيع (yabe') - to sell
  26. يمشي (yamshi) - to walk
  27. يركض (yarkud) - to run
  28. يغني (yaghani) - to sing
  29. يقول (yaqool) - to say
  30. يصرخ (yasrikh) - to shout
  31. يضرب (yadrib) - to hit
  32. يحب (yahib) - to love
  33. يكره (yakrah) - to hate
  34. يخاف (yakhaaf) - to fear
  35. يريد (yureed) - to want
  36. يحتاج (yahtaj) - to need
  37. يصلي (yusalli) - to pray
  38. يطبخ (yutbikh) - to cook
  39. يقود (yaqud) - to drive
  40. يعود (ya'ud) - to return
  41. يبدأ (yabda') - to begin
  42. ينتهي (yantahi) - to end
  43. يحضر (yahdur) - to attend
  44. يغادر (yughadir) - to leave
  45. يقتل (yaqtul) - to kill
  46. يولد (yulid) - to be born
  47. يشتكي (yashtaki) - to complain
  48. يحل (yahall) - to solve
  49. يقبل (yaqbil) - to accept
  50. يرفض (yarfud) - to refuse
  51. يحتفل (yahtafil) - to celebrate
  52. يعتذر (ya'tadhir) - to apologize
  53. يقدم (yaqdim) - to offer
  54. يزور (yazoor) - to visit
  55. يسافر (yusaafir) - to travel
  56. يترجم (yatarjam) - to translate
  57. يتحدث (yatahadath) - to talk
  58. يتفق (yatafiq) - to agree
  59. يختلف (yakhtalif) - to differ
  60. يشتم (yashtim) - to insult
  61. يحترم (yahtarim) - to respect
  62. يحلم (yahlum) - to dream
  63. يفتح (yaftah) - to open
  64. يغلق (yaghliq) - to close
  65. يكسب (yaksib) - to win
  66. يخسر (yakhsar) - to lose
  67. يبتسم (yabtasim) - to smile
  68. يفكر (yufakkir) - to think
  69. يقوم (yaqum) - to do
  70. يدعو (yad'u) - to invite
  71. يستمتع (yastamti') - to enjoy
  72. يسأل (yusa'al) - to ask
  73. يجيب (yajib) - to answer
  74. يخبر (yukhbir) - to inform
  75. يرتدي (yartadi) - to wear
  76. يغسل (yaghsil) - to wash
  77. يعشق (ya'shaq) - to adore
  78. يكافح (yukaafih) - to struggle
  79. يستعد (yasta'idd) - to prepare
  80. يحمل (yahmil) - to carry
  81. يتذكر (yatadhakkar) - to remember
  82. ينسى (yansa) - to forget
  83. يختبر (yakhtabr) - to test
  84. يرحب (yarhab) - to welcome
  85. يرسم (yarsim) - to draw
  86. يهدي (yahdi) - to guide
  87. يتابع (yatabi') - to follow
  88. يختار (yakhtar) - to choose
  89. يهرب (yahrub) - to escape
  90. يتجنب (yatjanab) - to avoid
  91. يتفاجأ (yatfaja') - to be surprised
  92. يتنازل (yatanazal) - to give up
  93. ينضم (yandhim) - to join
  94. يبحث (yabhat) - to search
  95. ينظف (yandhif) - to clean
  96. يتوقف (yatwaqaf) - to stop
  97. يحقق (yahqiq) - to achieve
  98. يستسلم (yastaslim) - to surrender
  99. يحاول (yahaawil) - to try
  100. يطرق (yataraq) - to knock

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