100 Most Common Nouns in Norwegian

100 Most Common Nouns in Norwegian

Boost your vocabulary with our comprehensive list of the top 100 most common Norwegian nouns translated into English. This indispensable guide helps you navigate the rich tapestry of Norwegian culture, society, and nature with ease. Discover the joy of understanding the world through a new linguistic lens.

  1. dag - day
  2. år - year
  3. tid - time
  4. mann - man
  5. kvinne - woman
  6. barn - child
  7. venn - friend
  8. mat - food
  9. drikke - drink
  10. hus - house
  11. bil - car
  12. skole - school
  13. arbeid - work
  14. hjem - home
  15. by - city
  16. land - country
  17. vann - water
  18. brød - bread
  19. kaffe - coffee
  20. te - tea
  21. bok - book
  22. hund - dog
  23. katt - cat
  24. gate - street
  25. penger - money
  26. bord - table
  27. stol - chair
  28. seng - bed
  29. rom - room
  30. familie - family
  31. kjærlighet - love
  32. liv - life
  33. verden - world
  34. sol - sun
  35. måne - moon
  36. stjerne - star
  37. luft - air
  38. fjell - mountain
  39. skog - forest
  40. hav - sea
  41. innsjø - lake
  42. elv - river
  43. hage - garden
  44. park - park
  45. film - movie
  46. musikk - music
  47. sang - song
  48. dans - dance
  49. sport - sport
  50. fotball - football
  51. spill - game
  52. fest - party
  53. ferie - holiday
  54. reise - trip
  55. tog - train
  56. fly - airplane
  57. båt - boat
  58. øy - island
  59. strand - beach
  60. snø - snow
  61. regn - rain
  62. vind - wind
  63. ild - fire
  64. tre - tree
  65. blomst - flower
  66. fugl - bird
  67. fisk - fish
  68. dyr - animal
  69. klær - clothes
  70. sko - shoes
  71. bokhandel - bookstore
  72. sykkel - bicycle
  73. hånd - hand
  74. fot - foot
  75. hode - head
  76. ansikt - face
  77. øye - eye
  78. øre - ear
  79. munn - mouth
  80. nese - nose
  81. språk - language
  82. bokstav - letter
  83. ord - word
  84. setning - sentence
  85. skolebok - textbook
  86. lege - doctor
  87. sykehus - hospital
  88. politi - police
  89. restaurant - restaurant
  90. hotell - hotel
  91. museum - museum
  92. butikk - shop
  93. kirke - church
  94. bank - bank
  95. klokke - clock
  96. billett - ticket
  97. avis - newspaper
  98. stasjon - station
  99. bygning - building
  100. bro - bridge

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