Boost your vocabulary with our comprehensive list of the top 100 most common Norwegian nouns translated into English. This indispensable guide helps you navigate the rich tapestry of Norwegian culture, society, and nature with ease. Discover the joy of understanding the world through a new linguistic lens.
- dag - day
- år - year
- tid - time
- mann - man
- kvinne - woman
- barn - child
- venn - friend
- mat - food
- drikke - drink
- hus - house
- bil - car
- skole - school
- arbeid - work
- hjem - home
- by - city
- land - country
- vann - water
- brød - bread
- kaffe - coffee
- te - tea
- bok - book
- hund - dog
- katt - cat
- gate - street
- penger - money
- bord - table
- stol - chair
- seng - bed
- rom - room
- familie - family
- kjærlighet - love
- liv - life
- verden - world
- sol - sun
- måne - moon
- stjerne - star
- luft - air
- fjell - mountain
- skog - forest
- hav - sea
- innsjø - lake
- elv - river
- hage - garden
- park - park
- film - movie
- musikk - music
- sang - song
- dans - dance
- sport - sport
- fotball - football
- spill - game
- fest - party
- ferie - holiday
- reise - trip
- tog - train
- fly - airplane
- båt - boat
- øy - island
- strand - beach
- snø - snow
- regn - rain
- vind - wind
- ild - fire
- tre - tree
- blomst - flower
- fugl - bird
- fisk - fish
- dyr - animal
- klær - clothes
- sko - shoes
- bokhandel - bookstore
- sykkel - bicycle
- hånd - hand
- fot - foot
- hode - head
- ansikt - face
- øye - eye
- øre - ear
- munn - mouth
- nese - nose
- språk - language
- bokstav - letter
- ord - word
- setning - sentence
- skolebok - textbook
- lege - doctor
- sykehus - hospital
- politi - police
- restaurant - restaurant
- hotell - hotel
- museum - museum
- butikk - shop
- kirke - church
- bank - bank
- klokke - clock
- billett - ticket
- avis - newspaper
- stasjon - station
- bygning - building
- bro - bridge