Deepen your understanding of Javanese with our curated list of Top 100 Most Common Javanese Nouns with English Translations. By mastering these essential terms, you can confidently navigate through various dialogues and scenarios, appreciating the distinct aspects of Javanese culture and communication.
- Omah - House
- Buku - Book
- Pitik - Chicken
- Sapi - Cow
- Banyu - Water
- Panganan - Food
- Wulan - Moon
- Srengenge - Sun
- Bintang - Star
- Hujan - Rain
- Wutah - River
- Papan - Board
- Sawah - Rice field
- Wedi - Rice (uncooked)
- Pare - Bitter melon
- Apel - Apple
- Woh - Fruit
- Wanci - Clock
- Dina - Day
- Taun - Year
- Kabeh - All
- Dhuwur - Height
- Tengah - Middle
- Larang - Length
- Cilik - Smallness
- Gedhe - Size
- Gunung - Mountain
- Laut - Sea
- Pohon - Tree
- Wong - Person
- Lelaki - Man
- Wanita - Woman
- Anak - Child
- Bocah - Kid
- Lelara - Sickness
- Pintu - Door
- Kaca - Glass
- Kursi - Chair
- Meja - Table
- Tangan - Hand
- Sikil - Foot
- Mati - Death
- Rambut - Hair
- Biji - Seed
- Daging - Meat
- Urip - Life
- Ibu - Mother
- Bapak - Father
- Adhi - Brother
- Dhadha - Sister
- Kancamu - Cousin
- Wuri - Wife
- Suami - Husband
- Lele - Catfish
- Macan - Tiger
- Gajah - Elephant
- Kucing - Cat
- Asu - Dog
- Jaran - Horse
- Babat - Liver
- Otot - Muscle
- Tulang - Bone
- Kepala - Head
- Mata - Eye
- Telinga - Ear
- Irah - Nose
- Cangkem - Mouth
- Gigi - Teeth
- Lidah - Tongue
- Dada - Chest
- Kaki - Leg
- Ayam - Chicken
- Endhog - Egg
- Madu - Honey
- Gula - Sugar
- Kedhel - Banana
- Tomat - Tomato
- Ubi - Sweet potato
- Jagung - Corn
- Kangkung - Water spinach
- Sayur - Vegetable
- Padi - Rice plant
- Pucuk - Shoots/Leaf tips
- Kembang - Flower
- Wimba - Forest
- Sungai - River
- Andhong - Horse-drawn carriage
- Sepeda - Bicycle
- Mobil - Car
- Pesawat - Airplane
- Kapal - Ship
- Sepatu - Shoes
- Baju - Clothes
- Topi - Hat
- Cincin - Ring
- Emas - Gold
- Perak - Silver
- Gedong - Building
- Pasar - Market
- Perahu - Boat