100 Most Common Nouns in Javanese

100 Most Common Nouns in Javanese

Deepen your understanding of Javanese with our curated list of Top 100 Most Common Javanese Nouns with English Translations. By mastering these essential terms, you can confidently navigate through various dialogues and scenarios, appreciating the distinct aspects of Javanese culture and communication.

  1. Omah - House
  2. Buku - Book
  3. Pitik - Chicken
  4. Sapi - Cow
  5. Banyu - Water
  6. Panganan - Food
  7. Wulan - Moon
  8. Srengenge - Sun
  9. Bintang - Star
  10. Hujan - Rain
  11. Wutah - River
  12. Papan - Board
  13. Sawah - Rice field
  14. Wedi - Rice (uncooked)
  15. Pare - Bitter melon
  16. Apel - Apple
  17. Woh - Fruit
  18. Wanci - Clock
  19. Dina - Day
  20. Taun - Year
  21. Kabeh - All
  22. Dhuwur - Height
  23. Tengah - Middle
  24. Larang - Length
  25. Cilik - Smallness
  26. Gedhe - Size
  27. Gunung - Mountain
  28. Laut - Sea
  29. Pohon - Tree
  30. Wong - Person
  31. Lelaki - Man
  32. Wanita - Woman
  33. Anak - Child
  34. Bocah - Kid
  35. Lelara - Sickness
  36. Pintu - Door
  37. Kaca - Glass
  38. Kursi - Chair
  39. Meja - Table
  40. Tangan - Hand
  41. Sikil - Foot
  42. Mati - Death
  43. Rambut - Hair
  44. Biji - Seed
  45. Daging - Meat
  46. Urip - Life
  47. Ibu - Mother
  48. Bapak - Father
  49. Adhi - Brother
  50. Dhadha - Sister
  51. Kancamu - Cousin
  52. Wuri - Wife
  53. Suami - Husband
  54. Lele - Catfish
  55. Macan - Tiger
  56. Gajah - Elephant
  57. Kucing - Cat
  58. Asu - Dog
  59. Jaran - Horse
  60. Babat - Liver
  61. Otot - Muscle
  62. Tulang - Bone
  63. Kepala - Head
  64. Mata - Eye
  65. Telinga - Ear
  66. Irah - Nose
  67. Cangkem - Mouth
  68. Gigi - Teeth
  69. Lidah - Tongue
  70. Dada - Chest
  71. Kaki - Leg
  72. Ayam - Chicken
  73. Endhog - Egg
  74. Madu - Honey
  75. Gula - Sugar
  76. Kedhel - Banana
  77. Tomat - Tomato
  78. Ubi - Sweet potato
  79. Jagung - Corn
  80. Kangkung - Water spinach
  81. Sayur - Vegetable
  82. Padi - Rice plant
  83. Pucuk - Shoots/Leaf tips
  84. Kembang - Flower
  85. Wimba - Forest
  86. Sungai - River
  87. Andhong - Horse-drawn carriage
  88. Sepeda - Bicycle
  89. Mobil - Car
  90. Pesawat - Airplane
  91. Kapal - Ship
  92. Sepatu - Shoes
  93. Baju - Clothes
  94. Topi - Hat
  95. Cincin - Ring
  96. Emas - Gold
  97. Perak - Silver
  98. Gedong - Building
  99. Pasar - Market
  100. Perahu - Boat

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