100 Most Common Nouns in Italian

100 Most Common Nouns in Italian

Looking for a list of the most common Italian nouns with English translations? Here is a list of 100 frequently used Italian nouns and their English equivalents. From "casa" (house/home) to "stella" (star), this list covers essential vocabulary for any Italian learner. Whether you're planning a trip to Italy or want to improve your language skills, these words will come in handy.

  1. anno - year
  2. giorno - day
  3. uomo - man
  4. volta - time, turn
  5. vita - life
  6. mano - hand
  7. occhio - eye
  8. donna - woman
  9. casa - house
  10. mondo - world
  11. tempo - time
  12. modo - way
  13. parte - part
  14. amico - friend
  15. persona - person
  16. problema - problem
  17. notte - night
  18. punto - point
  19. cuore - heart
  20. padre - father
  21. cosa - thing
  22. piede - foot
  23. voce - voice
  24. luogo - place
  25. parola - word
  26. città - city
  27. lavoro - work, job
  28. bambino - child
  29. madre - mother
  30. acqua - water
  31. storia - story, history
  32. minuto - minute
  33. fine - end
  34. porta - door
  35. strada - street, road
  36. ragazzo - boy
  37. luce - light
  38. momento - moment
  39. corpo - body
  40. capo - head, boss
  41. ragione - reason
  42. idea - idea
  43. mare - sea
  44. aria - air
  45. signore - gentleman, sir
  46. figlio - son
  47. testa - head
  48. forza - strength, force
  49. soldi - money
  50. guerra - war
  51. treno - train
  52. stazione - station
  53. signora - lady, madam
  54. famiglia - family
  55. domanda - question
  56. paese - country, village
  57. nome - name
  58. scuola - school
  59. dottore - doctor
  60. pane - bread
  61. libro - book
  62. film - movie
  63. mattina - morning
  64. figlia - daughter
  65. cena - dinner
  66. auto - car
  67. letto - bed
  68. pranzo - lunch
  69. terra - earth, land
  70. tavolo - table
  71. bicchiere - glass
  72. sole - sun
  73. fuoco - fire
  74. telefono - telephone
  75. stanza - room
  76. piazza - square
  77. musica - music
  78. vino - wine
  79. giornale - newspaper
  80. gatto - cat
  81. cane - dog
  82. cavallo - horse
  83. ristorante - restaurant
  84. polizia - police
  85. negozio - shop
  86. ospedale - hospital
  87. albergo - hotel
  88. chiesa - church
  89. uccello - bird
  90. mela - apple
  91. luna - moon
  92. barca - boat
  93. orologio - watch, clock
  94. vestito - dress
  95. fiume - river
  96. montagna - mountain
  97. prato - meadow
  98. pioggia - rain
  99. animale - animal
  100. albero - tree

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