Discover the most common Dutch nouns with their English translations in this comprehensive list of the top 100 words. From everyday objects like "house," "car," and "table" to broader concepts such as "time," "year," and "country," this collection covers essential vocabulary for building your Dutch language skills. Whether you're learning Dutch for travel, work, or personal enrichment, these frequently used nouns will help you communicate effectively in various contexts. Expand your Dutch vocabulary today with this valuable resource of common nouns and their English equivalents.
- tijd - time
- jaar - year
- mens - person
- dag - day
- man - man
- vrouw - woman
- kind - child
- hand - hand
- oog - eye
- plaats - place
- werk - work
- week - week
- huis - house
- vraag - question
- stad - city
- land - country
- wereld - world
- hoofd - head
- uur - hour
- naam - name
- woord - word
- kant - side
- bedrijf - company
- probleem - problem
- school - school
- gezicht - face
- deur - door
- leven - life
- vriend - friend
- weg - way/road
- groep - group
- geval - case
- water - water
- auto - car
- kamer - room
- boek - book
- maand - month
- vader - father
- voet - foot
- reis - journey
- meneer - mister
- licht - light
- spel - game
- film - movie
- geld - money
- prijs - price
- moeder - mother
- idee - idea
- raam - window
- punt - point
- krant - newspaper
- feest - party
- gebouw - building
- dorp - village
- praatje - chat
- regen - rain
- zon - sun
- eten - food
- foto - photo
- nummer - number
- muziek - music
- kleding - clothing
- familie - family
- telefoon - telephone
- brief - letter
- hond - dog
- kat - cat
- fiets - bicycle
- dokter - doctor
- student - student
- meisje - girl
- jongen - boy
- winkel - shop
- leeftijd - age
- gesprek - conversation
- verhaal - story
- kunst - art
- taal - language
- muur - wall
- tafel - table
- zee - sea
- boer - farmer
- ziekte - disease
- grond - ground
- kaart - card/map
- glas - glass
- boom - tree
- rij - row
- natuur - nature
- gebied - area
- vogel - bird
- seizoen - season
- lucht - air
- straat - street
- berg - mountain
- ruimte - space
- oorlog - war
- gebeurtenis - event
- voorbeeld - example
- cadeau - gift