100 Most Common Adverbs in Spanish

100 Most Common Adverbs in Spanish

Check out our list of the top 100 most common adverbs in Spanish! From "siempre" (always) to "nunca" (never), "bien" (well) to "mal" (badly), these adverbs are essential for expressing time, manner, and degree in Spanish. Use this list to improve your Spanish vocabulary and communication skills today!

  1. ahora - now
  2. después - after, later
  3. antes - before
  4. tarde - late
  5. pronto - soon
  6. todavía - still, yet
  7. ya - already
  8. siempre - always
  9. a menudo - often
  10. a veces - sometimes
  11. nunca - never
  12. aquí - here
  13. allí - there
  14. cerca - near
  15. lejos - far
  16. dentro - inside
  17. fuera - outside
  18. arriba - up
  19. abajo - down
  20. bastante - quite, enough
  21. muy - very
  22. demasiado - too
  23. poco - little, few
  24. mucho - much, many
  25. más - more
  26. menos - less
  27. bien - well
  28. mal - badly, wrong
  29. fácilmente - easily
  30. rápidamente - quickly
  31. lentamente - slowly
  32. juntos - together
  33. solo - alone, just, only
  34. especialmente - especially
  35. generalmente - generally
  36. normalmente - normally
  37. simplemente - simply
  38. realmente - really
  39. probablemente - probably
  40. quizás - perhaps
  41. también - also, too
  42. tampoco - neither, either
  43. así - so, like this
  44. incluso - even
  45. apenas - barely, hardly
  46. todavía - still, yet
  47. sino - but, except
  48. sin embargo - however
  49. por supuesto - of course
  50. por fin - finally
  51. entonces - then
  52. luego - later, then
  53. además - besides, in addition
  54. por eso - therefore
  55. de repente - suddenly
  56. mientras - while
  57. casi - almost, nearly
  58. exactamente - exactly
  59. especialmente - especially
  60. finalmente - finally
  61. principalmente - mainly
  62. claramente - clearly
  63. obviamente - obviously
  64. particularmente - particularly
  65. directamente - directly
  66. literalmente - literally
  67. rápidamente - quickly
  68. recientemente - recently
  69. específicamente - specifically
  70. igualmente - equally, likewise
  71. normalmente - normally
  72. necesariamente - necessarily
  73. típicamente - typically
  74. usualmente - usually
  75. simplemente - simply
  76. actualmente - currently
  77. definitivamente - definitely
  78. por lo general - generally
  79. naturalmente - naturally
  80. evidentemente - evidently
  81. exactamente - exactly
  82. respectivamente - respectively
  83. probablemente - probably
  84. brevemente - briefly
  85. consistentemente - consistently
  86. constantemente - constantly
  87. completamente - completely
  88. seguramente - surely
  89. realmente - really
  90. similarmente - similarly
  91. tradicionalmente - traditionally
  92. supuestamente - supposedly
  93. técnicamente - technically
  94. potencialmente - potentially
  95. preferentemente - preferably
  96. absolutamente - absolutely
  97. aproximadamente - approximately
  98. comparativamente - comparatively
  99. consecuentemente - consequently
  100. constructivamente - constructively

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