Broaden your command of Malay language with our list of Top 100 Most Common Malay Adverbs with English Translations. By mastering these versatile words, you'll enhance the clarity and subtlety of your speech, expressing relations of place, time, manner, cause, and degree in your interactions.
- sudah - already
- belum - not yet
- sekarang - now
- kemudian - then, later
- nanti - later
- biasanya - usually
- sering - often
- kadang-kadang - sometimes
- jarang - rarely
- selalu - always
- cepat-cepat - quickly
- perlahan-lahan - slowly
- mungkin - perhaps, maybe
- tentu - certainly, of course
- hampir - almost
- cukup - enough
- sangat - very
- terlalu - too
- segera - immediately
- sama-sama - equally
- bersama-sama - together
- sendiri - alone, by oneself
- jauh - far
- dekat - near
- sini - here
- situ - there
- sana - over there
- atas - above, on top
- bawah - below
- dalam - inside, within
- luar - outside
- tepat - exactly
- kira-kira - approximately
- sengaja - intentionally
- kebanyakan - mostly
- umumnya - generally
- biasa - normally
- betul - correctly
- salah - wrongly
- kasar - roughly
- secara - in a manner of
- rupanya - apparently
- entah - I wonder
- sebaliknya - conversely
- balik - back, in return
- sebenarnya - actually, in fact
- seterusnya - furthermore, moreover
- sememangnya - indeed
- berulang - repeatedly
- mendadak - suddenly
- lambat-laun - gradually
- serentak - simultaneously
- akhirnya - finally, at last
- berbahaya - dangerously
- tentunya - definitely
- khususnya - especially
- terus - directly, straight
- langsung - straightaway
- mendapat - get, obtain
- secara kebetulan - coincidentally
- semasa - during, while
- sebelum - before
- sesudah - after
- sambil - while
- selesai - upon completion
- menurut - according to
- mengenai - concerning
- terhadap - towards
- sepanjang - throughout
- dalam - in
- di - at
- antara - between
- pada - on
- dengan - with
- tanpa - without
- melalui - through
- selama - during, for (time)
- sekitar - around
- ke - to
- dari - from
- tentang - about
- lebih - more
- kurang - less
- paling - most
- paling kurang - least
- agak - quite
- begitu - so
- seperti - like, as
- sekali - very (used for emphasis)
- sekurang-kurangnya - at least
- setidak-tidaknya - at the very least
- sesekali - once in a while
- berapa - how much/many
- semakin - increasingly
- sekali lagi - once again
- betul-betul - really
- sangat-sangat - extremely
- hati-hati - carefully
- terang-terang - clearly
- jarang-jarang - rarely