100 Most Common Adverbs in Malay

100 Most Common Adverbs in Malay

Broaden your command of Malay language with our list of Top 100 Most Common Malay Adverbs with English Translations. By mastering these versatile words, you'll enhance the clarity and subtlety of your speech, expressing relations of place, time, manner, cause, and degree in your interactions.

  1. sudah - already
  2. belum - not yet
  3. sekarang - now
  4. kemudian - then, later
  5. nanti - later
  6. biasanya - usually
  7. sering - often
  8. kadang-kadang - sometimes
  9. jarang - rarely
  10. selalu - always
  11. cepat-cepat - quickly
  12. perlahan-lahan - slowly
  13. mungkin - perhaps, maybe
  14. tentu - certainly, of course
  15. hampir - almost
  16. cukup - enough
  17. sangat - very
  18. terlalu - too
  19. segera - immediately
  20. sama-sama - equally
  21. bersama-sama - together
  22. sendiri - alone, by oneself
  23. jauh - far
  24. dekat - near
  25. sini - here
  26. situ - there
  27. sana - over there
  28. atas - above, on top
  29. bawah - below
  30. dalam - inside, within
  31. luar - outside
  32. tepat - exactly
  33. kira-kira - approximately
  34. sengaja - intentionally
  35. kebanyakan - mostly
  36. umumnya - generally
  37. biasa - normally
  38. betul - correctly
  39. salah - wrongly
  40. kasar - roughly
  41. secara - in a manner of
  42. rupanya - apparently
  43. entah - I wonder
  44. sebaliknya - conversely
  45. balik - back, in return
  46. sebenarnya - actually, in fact
  47. seterusnya - furthermore, moreover
  48. sememangnya - indeed
  49. berulang - repeatedly
  50. mendadak - suddenly
  51. lambat-laun - gradually
  52. serentak - simultaneously
  53. akhirnya - finally, at last
  54. berbahaya - dangerously
  55. tentunya - definitely
  56. khususnya - especially
  57. terus - directly, straight
  58. langsung - straightaway
  59. mendapat - get, obtain
  60. secara kebetulan - coincidentally
  61. semasa - during, while
  62. sebelum - before
  63. sesudah - after
  64. sambil - while
  65. selesai - upon completion
  66. menurut - according to
  67. mengenai - concerning
  68. terhadap - towards
  69. sepanjang - throughout
  70. dalam - in
  71. di - at
  72. antara - between
  73. pada - on
  74. dengan - with
  75. tanpa - without
  76. melalui - through
  77. selama - during, for (time)
  78. sekitar - around
  79. ke - to
  80. dari - from
  81. tentang - about
  82. lebih - more
  83. kurang - less
  84. paling - most
  85. paling kurang - least
  86. agak - quite
  87. begitu - so
  88. seperti - like, as
  89. sekali - very (used for emphasis)
  90. sekurang-kurangnya - at least
  91. setidak-tidaknya - at the very least
  92. sesekali - once in a while
  93. berapa - how much/many
  94. semakin - increasingly
  95. sekali lagi - once again
  96. betul-betul - really
  97. sangat-sangat - extremely
  98. hati-hati - carefully
  99. terang-terang - clearly
  100. jarang-jarang - rarely

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