100 Most Common Adverbs in German

100 Most Common Adverbs in German

Discover the most frequently used adverbs in German! This list of 100 unique adverbs with English translations will help you improve your understanding and use of the German language. From "heute" (today) to "natürlich" (of course), this list is a great starting point for everyone.

  1. nicht - not
  2. auch - also, too
  3. so - thus
  4. nur - only
  5. jetzt - now
  6. schon - already
  7. immer - always
  8. noch - still, yet
  9. dann - then
  10. sehr - very
  11. hier - here
  12. wirklich - really
  13. heute - today
  14. vielleicht - perhaps, maybe
  15. einmal - once
  16. da - there
  17. warum - why
  18. oft - often
  19. eben - just
  20. manchmal - sometimes
  21. bereits - already
  22. meistens - mostly
  23. selten - rarely
  24. nie - never
  25. dennoch - nevertheless
  26. wahrscheinlich - probably
  27. sicher - certainly
  28. eigentlich - actually
  29. dort - there
  30. zusammen - together
  31. bald - soon
  32. spät - late
  33. wieder - again
  34. ziemlich - quite
  35. fast - almost
  36. morgen - tomorrow
  37. genug - enough
  38. sonst - else, otherwise
  39. gerade - just, currently
  40. leider - unfortunately
  41. endlich - finally
  42. besonders - especially
  43. natürlich - naturally, of course
  44. sofort - immediately
  45. überhaupt - at all
  46. langsam - slowly
  47. plötzlich - suddenly
  48. weit - far
  49. außerdem - besides, moreover
  50. deshalb - therefore
  51. eher - rather
  52. geradeaus - straight ahead
  53. einfach - simply
  54. allerdings - however
  55. anscheinend - apparently
  56. häufig - frequently
  57. letztlich - ultimately
  58. nahezu - nearly
  59. völlig - completely
  60. gern - gladly
  61. rund - around
  62. wohl - probably, well
  63. genau - exactly
  64. teilweise - partly
  65. insgesamt - overall
  66. früher - earlier
  67. daher - therefore
  68. damit - so that
  69. genauso - just as
  70. vorher - before
  71. eventuell - possibly
  72. tatsächlich - indeed
  73. deutlich - clearly
  74. ständig - constantly
  75. bestimmt - certainly
  76. vermutlich - presumably
  77. leicht - lightly, easily
  78. äußerst - extremely
  79. höchstens - at most
  80. gewöhnlich - usually
  81. normalerweise - normally
  82. bloß - merely
  83. voll - fully
  84. kaum - barely
  85. womöglich - possibly
  86. klar - clearly
  87. hauptsächlich - mainly
  88. lediglich - merely
  89. außer - except
  90. keineswegs - by no means
  91. zufällig - randomly
  92. deswegen - therefore
  93. grundsätzlich - basically
  94. anschließend - subsequently
  95. überall - everywhere
  96. prinzipiell - in principle
  97. sinnvollerweise - sensibly
  98. erstaunlicherweise - surprisingly
  99. zusätzlich - additionally
  100. hoffentlich - hopefully

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