100 Most Common Adjectives in Romanian

100 Most Common Adjectives in Romanian

Add Color to Your Conversations with 100 Most Common Romanian Adjectives: Breathe life into your dialogues with our list of the 100 most common Romanian adjectives. This detailed guide provides English translations for each word, making it easier for you to describe things, people, and situations accurately. Boost your Romanian language skills and enrich your conversations today!

  1. bun - good
  2. mare - big
  3. mic - small
  4. nou - new
  5. vechi - old
  6. frumos - beautiful
  7. urât - ugly
  8. lung - long
  9. scurt - short
  10. tânăr - young
  11. rece - cold
  12. cald - warm
  13. greu - hard
  14. ușor - easy
  15. drept - straight
  16. curbat - curved
  17. mult - many
  18. puțin - few
  19. rapid - fast
  20. lent - slow
  21. înalt - tall
  22. lat - wide
  23. îngust - narrow
  24. plin - full
  25. gol - empty
  26. bogat - rich
  27. sărac - poor
  28. interesant - interesting
  29. plictisitor - boring
  30. important - important
  31. nesemnificativ - insignificant
  32. curat - clean
  33. murdar - dirty
  34. deschis - open
  35. închis - closed
  36. simplu - simple
  37. complicat - complicated
  38. puternic - strong
  39. slab - weak
  40. inteligent - intelligent
  41. prost - stupid
  42. vesel - happy
  43. trist - sad
  44. umed - wet
  45. uscat - dry
  46. încântător - delightful
  47. dezgustător - disgusting
  48. iute - spicy
  49. dulce - sweet
  50. sărat - salty
  51. amar - bitter
  52. suav - smooth
  53. aspru - rough
  54. mândru - proud
  55. umil - humble
  56. generos - generous
  57. egoist - selfish
  58. curajos - brave
  59. fricos - fearful
  60. sincer - honest
  61. mincinos - dishonest
  62. liniștit - quiet
  63. zgomotos - noisy
  64. răbdător - patient
  65. nerăbdător - impatient
  66. curios - curious
  67. indiferent - indifferent
  68. încrezător - confident
  69. nesigur - unsure
  70. amuzant - funny
  71. serios - serious
  72. sănătos - healthy
  73. bolnav - sick
  74. liber - free
  75. ocupat - busy
  76. viu - alive
  77. mort - dead
  78. delicat - delicate
  79. grosier - rude
  80. fericit - happy
  81. nefericit - unhappy
  82. blând - gentle
  83. agresiv - aggressive
  84. prietenos - friendly
  85. neprietenos - unfriendly
  86. respectuos - respectful
  87. nerespectuos - disrespectful
  88. natural - natural
  89. artificial - artificial
  90. veritabil - genuine
  91. fals - fake
  92. spiritual - spiritual
  93. materialist - materialistic
  94. autentic - authentic
  95. banal - banal
  96. rar - rare
  97. obișnuit - common
  98. extraordinar - extraordinary
  99. luminos - bright
  100. îndrăzneț - daring

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