Add Color to Your Conversations with 100 Most Common Romanian Adjectives: Breathe life into your dialogues with our list of the 100 most common Romanian adjectives. This detailed guide provides English translations for each word, making it easier for you to describe things, people, and situations accurately. Boost your Romanian language skills and enrich your conversations today!
- bun - good
- mare - big
- mic - small
- nou - new
- vechi - old
- frumos - beautiful
- urât - ugly
- lung - long
- scurt - short
- tânăr - young
- rece - cold
- cald - warm
- greu - hard
- ușor - easy
- drept - straight
- curbat - curved
- mult - many
- puțin - few
- rapid - fast
- lent - slow
- înalt - tall
- lat - wide
- îngust - narrow
- plin - full
- gol - empty
- bogat - rich
- sărac - poor
- interesant - interesting
- plictisitor - boring
- important - important
- nesemnificativ - insignificant
- curat - clean
- murdar - dirty
- deschis - open
- închis - closed
- simplu - simple
- complicat - complicated
- puternic - strong
- slab - weak
- inteligent - intelligent
- prost - stupid
- vesel - happy
- trist - sad
- umed - wet
- uscat - dry
- încântător - delightful
- dezgustător - disgusting
- iute - spicy
- dulce - sweet
- sărat - salty
- amar - bitter
- suav - smooth
- aspru - rough
- mândru - proud
- umil - humble
- generos - generous
- egoist - selfish
- curajos - brave
- fricos - fearful
- sincer - honest
- mincinos - dishonest
- liniștit - quiet
- zgomotos - noisy
- răbdător - patient
- nerăbdător - impatient
- curios - curious
- indiferent - indifferent
- încrezător - confident
- nesigur - unsure
- amuzant - funny
- serios - serious
- sănătos - healthy
- bolnav - sick
- liber - free
- ocupat - busy
- viu - alive
- mort - dead
- delicat - delicate
- grosier - rude
- fericit - happy
- nefericit - unhappy
- blând - gentle
- agresiv - aggressive
- prietenos - friendly
- neprietenos - unfriendly
- respectuos - respectful
- nerespectuos - disrespectful
- natural - natural
- artificial - artificial
- veritabil - genuine
- fals - fake
- spiritual - spiritual
- materialist - materialistic
- autentic - authentic
- banal - banal
- rar - rare
- obișnuit - common
- extraordinar - extraordinary
- luminos - bright
- îndrăzneț - daring