Enrich your Indonesian vocabulary with our list of Top 100 Most Common Indonesian Adjectives with English Translations. These expressive words will allow you to describe objects, people, places, experiences and more, adding depth and color to your conversations and writings in Indonesian.
- Besar - Big
- Kecil - Small
- Panjang - Long
- Pendek - Short
- Baru - New
- Lama - Old
- Baik - Good
- Buruk - Bad
- Cepat - Fast
- Lambat - Slow
- Tinggi - High / Tall
- Rendah - Low / Short
- Banyak - Many / Much
- Sedikit - Few / Little
- Berat - Heavy
- Ringan - Light
- Mahal - Expensive
- Murah - Cheap
- Manis - Sweet
- Asam - Sour
- Pedas - Spicy
- Pahit - Bitter
- Dingin - Cold
- Panas - Hot
- Hangat - Warm
- Terang - Bright
- Gelap - Dark
- Keras - Hard
- Lembut - Soft
- Kasar - Rough
- Halus - Smooth
- Tebal - Thick
- Tipis - Thin
- Penuh - Full
- Kosong - Empty
- Bersih - Clean
- Kotor - Dirty
- Kering - Dry
- Basah - Wet
- Cantik - Beautiful
- Indah - Pretty
- Jelek - Ugly
- Tampan - Handsome
- Senang - Happy
- Sedih - Sad
- Marah - Angry
- Takut - Scared
- Malu - Shy
- Gembira - Joyful
- Sibuk - Busy
- Santai - Relaxed
- Tegas - Firm
- Lemah - Weak
- Kuat - Strong
- Lezat - Delicious
- Tawar - Tasteless
- Sehat - Healthy
- Sakit - Sick
- Lelah - Tired
- Segar - Fresh
- Rusak - Broken
- Utuh - Whole
- Jujur - Honest
- Bohong - Lying
- Benar - Correct
- Salah - Wrong
- Cerdas - Intelligent
- Bodoh - Stupid
- Kaya - Rich
- Miskin - Poor
- Ramah - Friendly
- Kasar - Rude
- Luas - Wide
- Sempit - Narrow
- Muda - Young
- Tua - Old
- Gendut - Fat
- Kurus - Skinny
- Berbahaya - Dangerous
- Aman - Safe
- Nyaman - Comfortable
- Tak nyaman - Uncomfortable
- Liar - Wild
- Jinak - Tame
- Berisik - Noisy
- Tenang - Quiet
- Bising - Loud
- Lemah lembut - Gentle
- Sabar - Patient
- Cepat marah - Hot-tempered
- Berani - Brave
- Pemalu - Shy
- Lucu - Funny
- Suram - Gloomy
- Jahat - Evil
- Sopan - Polite
- Sombong - Arrogant
- Besar hati - Generous
- Pelit - Stingy
- Percaya diri - Confident