Spice up your language learning journey with our top 100 list of French adjectives with English translations. From "grand" (big/large) and "petit" (small/little) to "doux" (soft/sweet) and "sombre" (dark), this comprehensive list covers a wide range of adjectives that are essential to expanding your French vocabulary. Whether you're learning French for work, travel, or personal development, these adjectives will help you express yourself more fluently and confidently.
- bon - good
- petit - small, little
- grand - big, tall
- vieux - old
- jeune - young
- premier - first
- dernier - last
- seul - alone, single
- long - long
- tout - all, whole
- autre - other
- gros - big, fat
- beau - beautiful, handsome
- nouveau - new
- meilleur - better, best
- certain - certain
- même - same
- public - public
- haut - high, tall
- vrai - true
- bas - low, short
- différent - different
- important - important
- fort - strong
- prochain - next
- ancien - former, ancient
- libre - free
- plein - full
- entier - entire, whole
- intéressant - interesting
- léger - light
- sérieux - serious
- difficile - difficult
- nécessaire - necessary
- calme - calm
- propre - clean, own
- national - national
- simple - simple, easy
- riche - rich
- noir - black
- possible - possible
- bleu - blue
- blanc - white
- chaud - hot
- international - international
- facile - easy
- court - short
- frais - fresh, cool
- étrange - strange
- vert - green
- complet - complete
- social - social
- doux - sweet, soft
- rouge - red
- universel - universal
- ouvert - open
- central - central
- agréable - pleasant
- vif - lively, bright
- jaune - yellow
- froid - cold
- naturel - natural
- général - general
- particulier - particular, special
- royal - royal
- gris - grey
- content - happy, content
- humain - human
- mort - dead
- rose - pink
- mal - bad, ill
- personnel - personal
- juste - just, fair
- normal - normal
- mauvais - bad
- rapide - fast
- secret - secret
- unique - unique
- second - second
- privé - private
- pauvre - poor
- profond - deep
- commercial - commercial
- militaire - military
- intelligent - intelligent
- religieux - religious
- légal - legal
- scientifique - scientific
- positif - positive
- littéraire - literary
- direct - direct
- énorme - enormous
- sain - healthy
- rond - round
- joli - pretty
- triste - sad
- fou - crazy, mad
- douillet - cozy
- généreux - generous
- curieux - curious