100 Most Common Adjectives in French

100 Most Common Adjectives in French

Spice up your language learning journey with our top 100 list of French adjectives with English translations. From "grand" (big/large) and "petit" (small/little) to "doux" (soft/sweet) and "sombre" (dark), this comprehensive list covers a wide range of adjectives that are essential to expanding your French vocabulary. Whether you're learning French for work, travel, or personal development, these adjectives will help you express yourself more fluently and confidently.

  1. bon - good
  2. petit - small, little
  3. grand - big, tall
  4. vieux - old
  5. jeune - young
  6. premier - first
  7. dernier - last
  8. seul - alone, single
  9. long - long
  10. tout - all, whole
  11. autre - other
  12. gros - big, fat
  13. beau - beautiful, handsome
  14. nouveau - new
  15. meilleur - better, best
  16. certain - certain
  17. même - same
  18. public - public
  19. haut - high, tall
  20. vrai - true
  21. bas - low, short
  22. différent - different
  23. important - important
  24. fort - strong
  25. prochain - next
  26. ancien - former, ancient
  27. libre - free
  28. plein - full
  29. entier - entire, whole
  30. intéressant - interesting
  31. léger - light
  32. sérieux - serious
  33. difficile - difficult
  34. nécessaire - necessary
  35. calme - calm
  36. propre - clean, own
  37. national - national
  38. simple - simple, easy
  39. riche - rich
  40. noir - black
  41. possible - possible
  42. bleu - blue
  43. blanc - white
  44. chaud - hot
  45. international - international
  46. facile - easy
  47. court - short
  48. frais - fresh, cool
  49. étrange - strange
  50. vert - green
  51. complet - complete
  52. social - social
  53. doux - sweet, soft
  54. rouge - red
  55. universel - universal
  56. ouvert - open
  57. central - central
  58. agréable - pleasant
  59. vif - lively, bright
  60. jaune - yellow
  61. froid - cold
  62. naturel - natural
  63. général - general
  64. particulier - particular, special
  65. royal - royal
  66. gris - grey
  67. content - happy, content
  68. humain - human
  69. mort - dead
  70. rose - pink
  71. mal - bad, ill
  72. personnel - personal
  73. juste - just, fair
  74. normal - normal
  75. mauvais - bad
  76. rapide - fast
  77. secret - secret
  78. unique - unique
  79. second - second
  80. privé - private
  81. pauvre - poor
  82. profond - deep
  83. commercial - commercial
  84. militaire - military
  85. intelligent - intelligent
  86. religieux - religious
  87. légal - legal
  88. scientifique - scientific
  89. positif - positive
  90. littéraire - literary
  91. direct - direct
  92. énorme - enormous
  93. sain - healthy
  94. rond - round
  95. joli - pretty
  96. triste - sad
  97. fou - crazy, mad
  98. douillet - cozy
  99. généreux - generous
  100. curieux - curious

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